Oesophageal cancer rate in UK higher than most of Europe – 4 signs your sore throat could be the hard-to-treat disease

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HEARTBURN could be a cancer warning sign for thousands of people in the UK, experts warn.

New figures show Britain has one of the highest rates of throat cancer in Europe and cases are rising in younger adults.

Millions of people have acid reflux and it could be a warning of more serious illness (stock image)

Acid reflux – experienced by one in four Brits, equal to more than 10million people – is one of the key warning signs.

Campaigners Action Against Heartburn are calling for better awareness of the “serious problem” posed by oesophageal cancer.

Around 9,500 people per year are diagnosed with it in the UK and eight out of 10 die within five years because many cases are caught late.

Data shows the UK has 14.2 new cases per 100,000 people per year, second only to the Netherlands in Western Europe.

It is multiple times more than 3.5 per 100,000 in Italy, 4.4 in Spain, 7 in France or 7.7 in Germany.

Jill Clark, chair of AAH, said: “Oesophageal cancer is a serious problem in the UK and it needs to be addressed urgently. 

“This data shows that UK incidence is over double that of France and four times higher than Italy. 

“Early detection can save lives so it’s crucial that everyone knows the signs and the importance of seeking medical help.

“One of the common symptoms of oesophageal cancer is persistent heartburn.

“If you have heartburn on a daily basis, or if you continually have to take over-the-counter medication to relieve it, you should see your GP to get a diagnosis of the underlying causes.”

The oesophagus is also known as the gullet or food pipe and is the tube connecting the mouth and stomach.

Tumours can develop anywhere along the tube and are more likely in people who are obese, smoke cigarettes, drink a lot of alcohol, or often burn their throat with hot drinks.

As well as heartburn, early symptoms include a long-term cough, hoarse voice, difficulty swallowing and pain in the throat.

Cases ‘rising in under-50s’

Dr Sheraz Markar, an NHS consultant surgeon at Oxford University Hospitals, said: “Oesophageal cancer is relatively uncommon worldwide but incidence in the UK is disproportionately high and we’re seeing a rise in cases in the under-50s. 

“The reasons for this are unclear but could be down to lifestyle factors such as an unhealthy diet, smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.

“A major risk factor is persistent acid reflux, or heartburn.

“In the UK oesophageal cancer is sadly often diagnosed once it has advanced or spread which makes it more difficult to treat, but there are good treatment options if it is caught early.”

Dr Markar said the key warning signs to look for include:

Heartburn or indigestion

Difficulty swallowing

Unexplained weight loss

Feeling or being sick

The warning signs of oesophageal cancer

OESOPHAGEAL cancer is a cancer of the food pipe.

It affects 9,400 people in the UK every year, and most people are over the age of 60.
Smoking increases your risk of the disease, as does being overweight, drinking alcohol and having conditions like Barrett’s oesophagus, where the cells lining your oesophagus have become abnormal.
Only 12 per cent of patients survive for 10 or more years after being diagnosed.
There are around 8,000 oesophageal cancer deaths in the UK every year – or 22 every day.
Early diagnosis is key, so recognising the symptoms is vital. The most common include:

Difficulty swallowing
Unexplained weight loss
Indigestion or heartburn that doesn’t go away
Pain in the throat or behind the breastbone

But some people also experience a cough, hoarseness, dark poo, tiredness and food coming back up after swallowing.
Source: Cancer Research UK

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